Sensible Law to Save Lives
April 4, 2019
20 New Illinois Laws for 2020
January 10, 2020
Visit the NWSBA Pro Bono Desk or Visit Martucci Law
As an attorney with 35-years’ experience involving numerous areas of law, I have been able to share some of my knowledge and experience as a regular volunteer at the Northwest Suburban Bar Association’s “Pro Bono Desk.” Here, volunteer attorney-members of the NWSBA answer questions from dozens of people every Friday from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. in Room 251 at the Rolling Meadows Courthouse.
Ideally, more than one volunteer attorney is available to provide legal advice in a variety of areas (since most lawyers don’t try to handle every kind of case). More than one volunteer lawyer is also desirable to handle the large number of people seeking answers to their legal questions. Unfortunately, the allotted time of about 10 minutes per “client” limits the number of people we can talk with in 2 hours, although we often stay longer.
I routinely answer questions and review paperwork involving criminal & DUI/traffic law, expungements, lawsuits, landlord & tenant issues, motor vehicle accidents, problems with contractors, collections and bankruptcy.
Clearly, more volunteer attorneys are needed from the 650-member NWSBA because on some Fridays, the Pro Bono desk is unmanned and clients go home unhappy, and un-helped. Most of the people who do line up, sometimes hours early, are very appreciative of our time and advice and leave with a positive impression of the lawyer they met with. I want to thank my brother and sister lawyers who consistently show up to help clients at the Pro Bono Desk, and, one client at a time, help enhance the public image of the legal profession.
In my office, Martucci Law, I have always provided free initial legal consultations, often exceeding the allotted half-hour time slot. Some of these consultations lead to clients. Some do not. But almost all of the people I talk with, often fearful and anxious about their legal problems, leave feeling better. They may still be facing legal problems, but now, after talking things through with a compassionate and experienced attorney, they know where they stand and can start to form a plan of action.
If you have legal questions regarding bankruptcy, criminal/traffic/DUI defense, juvenile law, personal injury, workers’ compensation, civil litigation, or other legal matters, call the Martucci Law Office at 630-980-8333 today, to schedule your free initial office consultation, and learn more about how we can help you.