One Bathroom for All!
March 24, 2023
September 1, 2023
Remember Why We Celebrate on the 4th of July
When the Second Continental Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776, the 13 American colonies declared their independence from rule by King George III and the government of Great Britain. The Declaration, largely drafted by Thomas Jefferson, was later rewritten on large parchment paper and signed by the delegates over the next few months. But it wasn’t until the conclusion of the American Revolutionary War (4/19/1775 – 9/03/1783), and the loss of tens of thousands of lives of American patriots from battle and disease, that Great Britain signed the 1783 Treaty of Paris and officially acknowledged the United States as a sovereign and independent nation.
Today, Americans commemorate the 4th of July with patriotic parades, fireworks, barbecues and beer. But its worthwhile to remember how we got here and to be thankful that we don’t have to pledge an oath of loyalty to King Charles.
Happy Birthday, America!
Martucci Law