14 New Illinois Laws for 2014
January 3, 2014
Don’t Blow it this July 4th!
July 2, 2015
The new year will add hundreds of new laws to the books in Illinois. Among the new laws, are 15 listed below, which may be of interest, anticipation, curiosity or concern to the residents of Illinois. For those wishing to read the full text of the new laws, you can refer to the cited Public Act (P.A.) on the Illinois General Assembly website, www.ilga.gov.
- Faster speed limits on the tollway. The Illinois Tollway Authority may expand 70 mph speed limit to urban areas. (P.A. 98-1128)
- Intoxicated boaters can lose their boat. Police may seize watercraft used in crimes involving DUIs. (P.A. 98-0699)
- Spy in the sky. Police may not use privately owned drones for surveillance without a court order, absent a disaster or public health emergency. (P.A. 98-0831)
- Medical pot for kids.Medical marijuana pilot program expanded to include children and teenagers who suffer from seizures. (P.A. 98-0775)
- Parents responsible for teen drinking beyond the house. Parents and guardians subject to fines or criminal liability if they allow minors under 21 to drink in vehicles, trailers, campers or boats they own or control. (P.A. 98-1017)
- Reptile (and people) protection. The sale, transfer and possession of certain reptiles and amphibians taken from the wild is banned. Some special use permits available. (P.A. 98-0752)
- Warning flags for water skiers and rafts.Boat drivers who are towing people must display an orange flag visible from all directions. (P.A. 98-0697)
- Pregnancy rights in the workplace.Employers must provide “reasonable accommodations” for working pregnant women unless it would impose an “undue hardship” on the business. Requires notice of rights and bans discrimination or retaliation, . (P.A. 98-1050)
- It’s all beer if it’s taxable.Definition of beer expanded to include all beverages brewed or fermented from malt products, specifically hard ciders. (P.A. 98-0843)
- Criminals need jobs too. Employers may not check an applicant’s criminal history until the final round of job interviews. (98-0774)
- Beware of the caregiver.Gifts to caregivers of more than $20,000 are presumed invalid unless certain conditions are met. (P.A. 98-1093)
- Schools may punish cyber-bullies. School administrators can discipline students who bully their peers on personal devices, even if off school grounds. (P.A. 98-0801)
- Yes, that cracked window is broken.Home sellers must also disclose to potential buyers, damage to doors or windows, in addition to flood damage, lead paint, asbestos and/or meth lab. (P.A. 98-0754)
- Sign and drive. Drivers receiving traffic tickets may sign the ticket and promise to comply with the terms of the citation instead of surrendering their driver’s license. (P.A. 98-0870)
- Lions and tigers and bears, oh my!Actually, its only the gray wolf, American black bear and cougar that are added to the list of protected species under the Wildlife Code. (P.A. 98-1033)